Sex Education Season 3

Sex is about everything | Sex Education Season 3

Many people may have been put off when they first saw the title of this TV series. For those who don't know the name, they'd probably think It is just another high school drama. the energetic students, with nowhere to vent their desires, all pour out through hormones. This first impression is similar to that of the parents in the episode, who are horrified when they hear that the students are planning a sex-themed musical. Interestingly enough, this reaction is what makes the play so meaningful. In the social custom of "talking about sex", people (especially immature teenagers), under the double stimulation of peer pressure and pop culture, are more and more eager to release their impulses, while on the other hand, they have no idea about what "sex" is. On the one hand, they are more and more eager to release their impulses under the stimulation of both peer pressure and pop culture, but on the other hand, they are ignorant of what "sex" is, stumbling around and getting hurt in the midst of unspeakable cultural taboos. Sex education should not be just a simple physiological hygiene class that takes students to recognize the biological characteristics of the sex organs, but fails to answer the real confusion that arises when students are at the age of sexual exploration.

Nor is it abstinence propaganda that terrorizes and warns young people not to try sex so easily by showing how childbirth (caused by unplanned pregnancies) can tear tragically, without in turn guiding them on how to face their desires positively and positively, while keeping themselves safe.

Because, true sex education is broader than you can imagine!

Definition Of Sex Education Beyond Your Imagination

Sex, a healthy understanding of the sexual organs

What should a boy's sex organ look like? What should a girl's sex organs look like? Most teenagers get a textbook view of their sex organs from porn (textbook might not be the right word, as pornography is often exaggerated to attract attention), and when they deviate from that image, they become anxious about what's wrong with them. And this TV show wants to show you that not all pussies are beautiful, and not all dicks are straight.

Sex Education Season 3

Sex. It's safe sex

It's about how to protect yourself and your partner in sexual encounters and enjoy pleasure in a safe and healthy way. It is also about how to cope and face the world and yourself after an unfortunate experience of sexual harassment.

Sex. It's sexual desire

Do you know how to explore your desire? Some girls, in previous relationships, have only been interested in pleasing the guy's preferences. When she finally meets a man who respects her wishes and wants her to enjoy himself, she doesn't know what she really wants.

Some guys are quite distressed to see people around them turning on their sex life while they can't even masturbate. When they finally meet the girl of their choice, they learn to explore their desires with great difficulty, but then they get out of hand and cause countless embarrassments.

Some girls, see around the people have opened sex life, and they have been lagging behind, anxious, and ask: let's have sex? But try to realize that they have symptoms of vaginal spasm, the psychological seems to be ready, but the physical is not yet.

There are couples that don't really like some of the actions and behaviors that the other person does when they are intimate, but they don't know how to speak up to make the other person understand and make themselves happy.


The characters in the play portray these growing-up cravings and confusion, impulses and balking in a variety of ways. It's so real that there must be a few moments when you realize that this is what happened to your friend.

Sex, too, is never just about one person

It is also about gender relations. Sexual contact is an extremely honest meeting of minds, and it is more than the simple physical act it appears to be. Regardless of how the parties involved define the relationship, whether casually or formally, the problems they encounter in their sexual behavior are many times rooted outside of sex itself.

Some girls do not want to find a boyfriend, only one seeks casual sex, seemingly free and uninhibited, in fact, but because in her view, the boyfriend, but just one more person to let you down only.

A couple, the girl wants to turn off the lights to make love, the boy wants to turn on the lights, arguing. When sitting down face to face, open heart chat, only to realize that the original female is not confident. And in fact, the boys do not care about this, he loves the girls as a whole, do not need girls deliberately camouflage.

Sex, it has a broader social significance

It can be sexual orientation or gender identity outside of the mainstream. Outside of the traditional binary gender distinctions, the show also shows a fairly complete ecology of the LGBTQ community. And it's not as if some mascot-esque queer characters are installed in a politically correct manner and all is well.

Sex Education portrays these characters with care, their dilemmas and joys, their uncertainty and bravery. How homosexuals cope in the face of worldly malice, how bisexuals are confused as they explore their sexuality, and how transgender people choose to express themselves when the outside world tries to categorize them as a traditional gender ...... Beyond the labels, they are flesh and blood people, some lovable, some annoying, and equally unable to escape their seven emotions.

It's Not Just The Protagonists Who Need Sex Education, It's Also The Audience

The main story of Sex Education is that the hero and heroine run a campus "sex counseling" clinic. Obviously, its existence is not in compliance. On the contrary, the clinic was born "thanks" to the lack of school education. It's here that we get a glimpse of the strange sexual troubles of teenagers. In fact, the most interesting part of this drama is that we, as viewers, are the biggest beneficiaries of this "sex education" class as we watch these high school students explore the process of "sex".

You will begin to reflect on .....

Who the sexual/emotional partner is is important. But more importantly, there is no such thing as a "perfect partner". How you communicate and solve problems after the relationship is established is perhaps more important than being obsessed with finding someone who is 100% right. The key to solving problems is not in the problems themselves. You need to step out and be honest with yourself about your thoughts, desires, and past. It's up to you to explore the deeper causes of all the sexual & emotional difficulties. And it's up to you to get out of it, ultimately.

It doesn't mean going it alone. Rather, it is about making a conscious effort to seek professional help yourself, and knowing how to let go of unnecessary pride and shame to communicate with your partner.That is the whole point about sex education.

Another common question: what defines a "right" couple? Often times, outsiders categorize them with labels: they look good together, they're both smart, they're both from good families...

But who would have thought that the nerdiest and clumsiest boy in school and the fashion queen who is always at the center of gossip could come together and enjoy each other's physical and mental company?

You will see women, as a group ......

How they can support each other when they are vulnerable in a traditionally patriarchal context. As a woman, seeing these scenes, one feels a sense of strength from the bottom of one's heart. When a girl's private photos are leaked, other girls collectively stand up to protect the victim.

After going through a mid-life marriage and emotional crisis, 2 disillusioned middle-aged ladies meet up to dress up, drink till drunk and dance with abandon. Leaving their men behind, forgetting their children, putting down their careers, this moment is only for themselves.

In the abortion ward, the white light shines down on the patients. The women, who had never met each other, took each other's hands before going to the operating table.

After being molested on a bus, the girl, Amy, was dumbfounded in the moment and didn't think anything of it. And for a long time after that, she could no longer trust men, their touch, or even their eyes, so much so that she didn't even dare to ride the bus anymore. Until one day a long time later, Amy unintentionally said this knot in the heart, we realized: it turns out that we have similar experiences. So ↓

Sex Education Season 3

There is a bond between women that exists in the underworld. You don't have to tell them, they understand. Because the pain you're feeling, they're experiencing it too.

Another thing I particularly like about this drama is that it's not a happy ending for all

Life is a series of problems, and there is no happy ending. Young couples who start out with a lot of fire and blood will drift apart because they don't have the same pace. Even older couples who are physically and mentally in tune with each other will go through countless self-doubts and arguments, swinging back and forth between the two sides of an unbridgeable rift. What can you do? In this life, the people and things around you are like the scenery you see out the window of a car, passing is the norm. You can only do what you can do, the rest, no matter good or bad, just accept.

But, so what? Go ahead and love like it won't hurt. Go dance like no one is watching you.


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